Mardi 26 Août 2021 - Mardi 9 Septembre 2021

Sortie cinéma du film japonais FUIS MOI, JE TE SUIS | The Real Thing | 本気のしるし

Il s'agit de la deuwième partie du nouveau projet de Koji Fukada, sélectionné à Cannes 2020.

La 1ère partie s'intitule SUIS-MOI JE TE FUIS

Le projet est une adaptation au cinéma d'un manga

Résumé en Anglais:
Kuzumichi Tsuji is a “Good man” who has a good reputation for his work. He has casual relations with two women in his workplace, however, he feels kind of bore for dull days without excitement. He has never fallen in love with someone from the bottom of his heart.
One day, he meets a mysterious woman named Ukiyo (means “transitory world”) and saves her life who was about to die in a railroad crossing because of her car’s engine problem. Ukiyo is beautiful, but her off-guard attitude causes lots of problems for other people including Tsuji. Though he notices her troublesome nature, he unconsciously gets involved with her. Gradually Tsuji comes to have a dangerous relationship with underworld figures. Even he loses usual life style, he is willing to save Ukiyo, but that leads him to an even worse situation.

Résumé en Japonais:
ä¸­å°å¸å£²ä¼šç¤¾ã«å‹¤ã‚ã‚‹è¾»ä¸€è·¯ã¯ã€ä»•äº‹ã¯ç „¡é›£ã«ã“なしつつも、どこか真剣になれだšé€€å±ˆãªæ—¥å¸¸ã‚’過ごしていた。そんな辻は 、会社
の2人のOLと深い関係にあった。 ã‚ã‚‹å¤œã€è¾»ã¯ã€ä¸æ€è­°ãªé›°å›²æ°—ã®å¥³æ€§ãƒ»è ‘‰å±±æµ®ä¸–の運転するレンタカーが踏み切゠Šã§ç«‹ã¡å¾€ç”Ÿã—
、他の車にぶつかってしまう現場に出く㠂ã™ã€‚警察の聴取に浮世は、運転していだŸã®ã¯è¾»ã ã€ã¨ç­”える。浮世が嘘を認めて 、事件
は解決したが…。 その後、街で浮世と偶然に再会した辻は㠀æµ®ä¸–がやばいスジからの借金を抱えてだ„ることを知る。関わりたくは
ない。しかし辻は、分別のない行動をと㠂‹æµ®ä¸–を放っておけず、浮世を追ってさ゠‰ãªã‚‹æ·±ã¿ã«åµŒã£ã¦ã„き、破滅への道を歩 みだし

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